— How do you like Koktebel? What's your impression of the festival?
— It's great! I really like Koktebel, it's the peak of the tourist season and the weather's beautiful. Unfortunately, it rained today, so we couldn't even do a proper sound check. But we got together and played. As for the people, the atmosphere, the scenery, it's all great.
— Yours is one of the opening shows of a festival with an extremely diverse program. What other shows would you like to attend?
— I'd love to see everybody, truly, but my flight leaves today, unfortunately.
— How did your concert go today? Were you happy with it?
— Yes, the audience and the atmosphere were great. The sound could have been better, because our music is fairly intricate. Certain nuances demand special sound effects, which are hard to produce on a huge open-air stage. But in general, it went great!
The most important thing is that people like it — that's a good sign. Despite common opinion, we Russians don't only like pop songs. Serious instrumental music also has its fans, and that's a great thing!